Sounds all hip and cool, right? Throw that out there at the next round table discussion at your local Starbucks and see the eyebrows rise in admiration for your competency on current terminology! Really, though, "web 2.0" is just a fancy way of saying, "HEY! You know this internet thing we've been abusing by splattering cat pictures all over the place? You can TOTALLY use this stuff for helpful education techniques!"
"There's more to the internet than LOLcats!?!?"
We've been using this things for years without noticing their true potential. It's like King Arthur was given Excalibur and he used it to finally nail that stubborn floorboard down... you know, the one you always stubbed your toe on when going to the dungeon; totally not utilizing that tool effectively. We all grew up dreaming of a cool buzzy future where we could communicate via vid-screens and send information instantaneously. We've had that technology for YEARS now, and what do we do with it?
"I have to send Betty this cute kitten I found on the interwebs!"
Education without boarders, people! Wikis, blogs, social bookmarking, voice thread and videoconferencing, these are the tools available to efficiently and cheaply educate the world! Sorry, my soap-box is a bit creaky so I'll step down for a bit.
All the logistical costs of people with disabilities, long commutes to local colleges and housing for those who must re-locate to attend become nothing when the classroom is easily accessed and available via the internet. Web 2.0 isn't the future, it's the present. We as educators have access to these wonderful tools, and it is to the benefit of our future generations to utilize them to their fullest.
Look at all that techno-stuff! Let's hope they don't fund it with "Tuition 2.0"